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Gift Card Hand-tied Bouquet

Gift Card Hand-tied Bouquet


In the UK flowers that are grown in their natural season without artificial heat and light means that they will be available in April until October.


You are still looking for a beautiful gift and we would like to offer you a sustainable option that considers our planet's resources. Our flowers are grown in their natural season without chemicals, pesticides or preservatives. We will deliver a Gift Card  in a gift box with a small dried flower decoration as a gift on the day. Your voucher can then be exchanged for a Seasonal Hand-Tied Bouquet gift boxed and delivered in water in a simple vase.


Our flowers are grown in their natural season without chemicals or pesticides, and they are not treated with any preservative.


This bouquet is available for local delivery within Ullapool, or you may choose to collect.

Please allow 48 hours before your chosen delivery date.


As the months move through each season so to does each flower variety have its own moment. No two bouquets are ever the same. Each bouquet is bespoke and unique. Designs will vary according to seasonal availability.


Please be aware that the photograph is intended to provide an indication of size and style and individual elements will vary according to availability.

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